Four students just graduated with projects in our group…
First, huge congrats to Cecilia Fabbri who got her MSc in Astrophysics. Cecilia (you might remember her) worked on an exciting applied statistics problem (which has already ended up in a poem, but soon in a paper). Her problem got like 10 more people hooked beside us, so we really have to finish it now! From my side, it’s always amazing to see scientists like her growing so much. Cecilia be moving on with a PhD in Nottingham (UK) with Steve Green (and when you come back to visit you’ll tell me everything I don’t understand about simulation-based inference!). Good luck!
We also supervised three BSc students who defended their short projects:
- Matteo Pagani worked with Ssohrab Borhanian on testing Fisher Matrix codes (spoiler, it’s tricky).
- William Toscani worked with Giulia Fumagalli on eccentric binary black holes, revisiting the old “isotropic stays isotropic” problem in PN dynamics.
- Francesca Rattegni worked with Matteo “Bormio” Bonetti on how the Galaxy can cause Kozai-Lidov oscillations on wide binaries.
Congrats all, Spritz time now.