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Non-adiabatic dynamics of eccentric black-hole binaries in post-Newtonian theory

General relativity has this beautiful property that coordinates are meaningless. You can change them at will, which means they don’t contain any physics. And, believe it or not, some of the popular formulations we use to write down the dynamics of eccentric binary black holes still have coordinates in them. They go away if you take an average of an orbit (Peters, the man!) but that’s killing some information. In this paper we go back to those old results and show how those gauges can actually be absorbed into the formulation itself. The paper is on the maths-heavy side of things, but the results are great. Peters, you were basically right, but not quite.

Giulia Fumagalli, Nicholas Loutrel, Davide Gerosa, Matteo Boschini.
arXiv:2502.06952 [gr-qc].

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