Following the April APS meeting, we will host a mini-workshop at Johns Hopkins University to foster collaboration between the gravity groups of JHU, Penn State and Milano-Bicocca. The idea is to get “a little help from my friends”.
The workshop will be in the Bloomberg building, room 462, from 8am to 5pm on April 13, 2022.
Breakfast and lunch will be kindly provided by JHU (thanks!).
The idea is to do a full day of brainstorming and come up with possible research projects, so there will be no talks. As a form of introduction, we’ll have some 1-slide presentations (strictly <5 minutes!) to explain what we have been doing. The 1-slide, 5-minute format is a bit brutal, but it really forces you to think about what really matters (if you don’t see your name on this list, no worries: you’ll get your share of time during the discussions!). The afternoon will instead be dedicated to discussions.
Here we are! And huge thanks to the cookies…

- Breakfast from 8am
Morning, 9am-noon. Lightning talks – get to know each other
- Arnab Dhani – ringdown overtones.
- Ish Mohan Gupta – Fisher accuracy study, measuring NS/BH binaries with 3G
- Divya Singh – NSs and dark matter
- Daria Gangardt – constraining spin nutations in current LIGO events
- Viola De Renzis – measuring 2-spin effects in (mostly future) GW events
- Coffee!
- Andrea Antonelli + Luca Reali – systematics in 3G detectors
- Roberto Cotesta – PE in LISA
- Veome Kapil – COMPAS
- Nathan Steinle – A step back from pop synths?
- Konstantinos Kritos + Vladimir Strokov – dynamical formation code intro, IMBHs
- Mesut Caliskan – lensing in LISA & 3G
- Lunch
Afternoon, 1pm-5pm. Discussion – start projects together
1pm-2pm: Tools
What tools do we have and what we can do with them.
- GWBench tutorial (Ish, Arnab, Luca…)
- LISAbeta (Roberto)
- pyRing, Issues in ringdown parameter estimation, and tests of GR (Roberto, Costantino, Mark, Sathya, Arnab…)
- Including systematics, beyond-GR effects and lensing; population effects
2pm-3pm: Astrophysical models
We love to do astro with GWs.
- Field formation models
- dynamical models and multiple mergers
- primordial black holes
- spin effects
- NSBH systems
- NSNS mergers and tidal deformability, foregrounds and backgrounds…
(Nate, Veome, Daria, Viola, Kostas, Vladimir, Veome, Gabriele…) - Coffee!
3pm-4pm: Population inference methods
Davide will start will a brief introduction to his work on machine learning with Matthew Mould+Steve Taylor and then we’ll think about what can be done with those tools, plus the PE tools we discussed earlier.
4pm-5pm: 3G/LISA science, systematic errors, tests of GR/BH spectroscopy
The wrap-up: what cool science can future detectors do? What are the best long-term projects we can come up with by combining all these tools?
- Dinner together somewhere?
Johns Hopkins
- Andrea Antonelli <[email protected]>
- Emanuele Berti <[email protected]>
- Mesut Caliskan <[email protected]>
- Ho Yeuk Cheung <[email protected]>
- Roberto Cotesta <[email protected]>
- Thomas Helfer <[email protected]>
- Veome Kapil <[email protected]>
- Konstantinos Kritos <[email protected]>
- Luca Reali <[email protected]>
- Nicholas Speeney <[email protected]>
- Vladimir Strokov <[email protected]>
- Zipeng Wang <[email protected]>
- Lingyuan Ji <[email protected]>
- Marc Kamionkowski <[email protected]>
- Surjeet Rajendran <[email protected]>
- Bei Zhou <[email protected]>
- Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski <[email protected]>
Milan-Bicocca / Birmingham
- Davide Gerosa <[email protected]>
- Daria Gangardt <[email protected]>
- Viola De Renzis <[email protected]>
- Nathan Steinle <[email protected]>
- Riccardo Buscicchio <[email protected]>
Penn State
- Bangalore Sathyaprakash <[email protected]>
- Arnab Dhani <[email protected]>
- Ish Mohan Gupta <[email protected]>
- Divya Singh <[email protected]>
- Rahul Kashyap <[email protected]>
Other visitors
- Francisco Duque <[email protected]> (IST Lisbon)
- Costantino Pacilio <[email protected]> (Rome Sapienza)