Davide Gerosa

Reconstructing parametric gravitational-wave population fits from non-parametric results without refitting the data

Gravitational-wave population people talk all the time about parametric vs non-parametric methods. Parametric methods mean imposing our astrophysical knowledge on how we look at GW data. This is great, we do want to extract astrophysical knowledge, but what if we don’t know what to look for? The statisticians tell us to go non-parametric, which means using a flexible model that can fit whatever you want. That’s great, but what do we learn then? In other words, where’s the boundary between flexibility and interpretability? Today’s paper shows that one can conceptually separate these two processes and extract parametric results from non-parametric fits. I’m very proud of this piece of work, which was Cecilia Fabbri‘s MSc thesis project and was actually kickstarted by one of my previous students, Alessandro Santini. We even wrote a poem about this!

Cecilia Maria Fabbri, Davide Gerosa, Alessandro Santini, Matthew Mould, Alexandre Toubiana, Jonathan Gair.
arXiv:2501.17233 [astro-ph.HE].

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