Davide Gerosa


Here is me and the great people in my group. Come visit and chat science with us!

If you’d like to join our group and work with us, see our job page. For group members, more info is on our internal wiki.

Davide Gerosa

Associate professor.
[email protected]
Running around, gravity, hiking, then some more gravity. Astrophysics when I want to remember things are real, mountains when I want to see things are beautiful.

Arianna Renzini

Postdoc (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow).
[email protected]
Stochastic backgrounder, anisotropy locator, non-gaussianizer. Writes python packages, merges pull requests, dances acrobatic rock’n’roll.

Philippa Cole

[email protected]
Dark matter hunter, gravitational wave decipherer, primordial black hole dreamer. Looking for signatures of dark matter in gravitational wave signals. Enjoys food-centric trips around the world and dancing to Beyonce.

Nicholas Loutrel

[email protected]
Stationary phaser, burst calculator, catastrophe theorizer. Perhaps a secret agent. Still can’t understand why we talk probabilities while he lives in a deterministic world.

Rodrigo Tenorio

[email protected]
Long-signal searcher, thinks that everything is a sinusoid if you look close enough. He enjoys crunching numbers on a GPU, playing bagpipes, and using Bayesian probability to climb up walls efficiently. Also, Fëanor did nothing wrong.

Caroline Owen

[email protected]
Inspiral modeler, fundamental physics explorer, gravitational-wave enthusiast. Loves a long walk. Prefers to be in the woods.

Tristan Bruel

[email protected]
Binary black holes enjoyer, population synthesizer, star cluster simulator. Dream of identifying the host galaxies of black hole mergers. Addicted to endurance sports and eager to bring a French touch to local Italian rugby

Ssohrab Borhanian

[email protected]
Third generation forecaster, open sourcer, gravitational-wave counterparter, golden eventer. Exploring Milan’s restaurant scene without drinking coffee and meandering through Italy while taking too many pictures.

Costantino Pacilio

[email protected]
Black-hole spectroscoper, simulation-based inferer, pizza purist, coffee obsessed. Using black holes and neutron stars to understand our Universe. Reading comic books to explore parallel worlds. Listening to Bob Dylan to refresh my emotions. 

Alice Spadaro

PhD student.
[email protected]
Glitch hunter, LISA responser, gravitational-wave lover. Cares for nature, addicted to adventure sports (surf!). Likes building fun stuff with Lego bricks and gets charged up with rock music. Curious to learn something new and explore the universe. 

Federico De Santi

PhD student.
[email protected]
Machine learning keeps him busy, Gravitational waves keep him curious. Astrophotographer, always in awe of the night sky. When not dealing with the universe he’s lost in movies, games, or the keys of a piano.

Giulia Fumagalli

PhD student.
[email protected]
Eccentricity calculator, outlier nightmare, PN analyzer. Likes gravitational waves, black holes, and cats. Specialized in cakes, cookies, and any sweet treats (by far the best chocolate brownie in town!). Long-distance runner to let off steam. 

Matteo Boschini

PhD student.
[email protected]
Gaussian Processor, black-hole surrogator, Tolkien addict. Likes discovering new places, whether in the real world or in fantasy books. Often bothers friends with “simple” board games. Probably knows even how to build a nuclear reactor.

Viola De Renzis

PhD student.
[email protected]
Signal injecter, code parallelizer, music addicted, guitar player (or at least she tries), ice-cream lover, manga reader. Intrigued by all questions we cannot answer.

Current MSc and Bsc students

Here are the amazing students who are currently completing research projects with us in the group… Taking the first fun steps into the perilous world of black holes!

Olga Pietrosanti. Milano-Bicocca, MSc thesis.

Nicole Grillo. Milano-Bicocca, MSc thesis.

Federica Tettoni. Milano-Bicocca, MSc thesis.

Giovanni Giarda. Milano-Bicocca, MSc thesis.

Cecilia Fabbri. Milano-Bicocca, MSc thesis.

Rocco Giugni. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Giulia Foroni. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Matilde Vergani. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Laura Tassoni. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Patricio Guzman. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Francesca Rattegni. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Matteo Pagani. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

William Toscani. Milano-Bicocca, BSc thesis.

Some group pictures

Here are the people I had the pleasure to work with at some stage. Thank you all!

Former postdocs

Michele Mancarella. Milano-Bicocca 2021-2023
Supported by the ERC. Then faculty at the University of Aix-Marseille, France.

Swetha Bhagwat. Birmingham 2022-2025
Stephen Hawking Fellow.

Nathan Steinle. Birmingham 2021-2023
Supported by the Leverhulme Trust. Then postdoc at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Canada) with Samar Safi-Harb.

Nicola Giacobbo. Birmingham 2020-2021
Supported by the Leverhulme Trust. Then software developer at IRS Srl (Italy).

Former PhD students

Daria Gangardt. Birmingham 2020-2024
Supported by STFC and the School of Physics and Astronomy.

Matthew Mould. Birmingham 2019-2023
Supported by STFC and the School of Physics and Astronomy. Then postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston MA (USA) with Salvatore Vitale.

Former MSc students

Alessandro Pedrotti. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
MSc thesis. Then PhD student at the University of Aix-Marseille (France).

Francesco Nobili. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
MSc thesis. Joint project with the University of Birmingham (USA). Then PhD student at the University of Insubria (Como, Italy).

Alessandro Santini. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
MSc thesis. Joint project with Johns Hopkins University (USA). Then PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Potsdam, Germany). Resulting publication: arXiv:2308.12998.

Simone Piscitelli. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
MSc thesis. Visiting from the University of Milan. Then PhD student at INAF – Merate (Italy).

Matteo Boschini. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
MSc thesis. Joint project with the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Potsdam, Germany). Then PhD student in my group. Resulting publication: arXiv:2307.03435.

Giovanni Cavallotto. Milano-Bicocca 2022.
MSc thesis. Then technologist in Space Weather at Milano-Bicocca. Resulting publication: arXiv:2304.04801.

Alice Spadaro. Milano-Bicocca 2022.
MSc thesis. Then PhD student in my group. Resulting publication: arXiv:2306.03923

Alessandro Carzaniga. Milano-Bicocca 2022.
MSc thesis.

Andrea Geminardi. Milano-Bicocca 2022
MSc thesis. Then PhD student at Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS) Pavia, Italy.

Maciej Dabrowny. Birmingham 2021.
Year 4 project. Then machine-learning engineer at Kubrick Group. Resulting publication: arXiv:2106.12541.

Beatrice Basset. Birmingham 2020.
Final year internship. Visiting from the University of Lyon. Then high-school teacher.

Julian Chan. Birmingham 2020.
Year 4 project. Then PhD at the University of Surrey (UK).

Abdullah Aziz. Birmingham 2020.
Year 4 project. Then software engineer at Menlo Security Inc. 

Riccardo Barbieri. Caltech 2018
MSc thesis. Visiting from the University of Pavia. Then PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Potsdam, Germany). Resulting publication: arXiv:2004.02894.

Former BSc students

Ava Bailey. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
IREU fellow. Visiting from Duke University.

Alessandro Crespi. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
BSc thesis.

Annalisa Amigoni. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
BSc thesis.

Alice Palladino. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Lisa Merlo. Milano-Bicocca 2024.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Serena Caslini. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Theoretical Physics at Milano-Bicocca.

Matteo Falcone. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Artificial Intelligence at Milano & Pavia.

Marco Bianchi. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Martin Gerini. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Artificial Intelligence at Milano & Pavia.

Federico Ravelli. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Simone Sferlazzo. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Malvina Bellotti. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca. Resulting publication: arXiv:2404.16930.

Riccardo Bosoni De Martini. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then gap year sailing!

Ludovica Carbone. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Harrison Blake. Milano-Bicocca 2022
IREU fellow. Visiting from Ohio State University (USA).

Leonardo Toti. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Simone Restuccia. Milano-Bicocca 2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Daniele Chirico. Milano-Bicocca 2022-2023.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Matteo Muriano. Milano-Bicocca 2022.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Theoretical Physics at Milano-Bicocca.

Lorenzo Zanga. Milano-Bicocca 2022
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca. Resulting publication: arXiv:2304.13063.

Oliver Rossi. Milano-Bicocca 2022
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca.

Sayan Neogi. Birmingham 2022
Summer project. Visiting from IISER Pune, India.

Diego Padilla Monroy. Milano-Bicocca 2022
IREU fellow. Visiting from Florida Intl University. Then PhD at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Resulting publication: arXiv:2304.04801.

Sarah Al Humaikani. Birmingham 2022
Summer project. Visiting from ENSTA Paris.

Nesibe Derin Sivrioglu. Milano-Bicocca 2022.
Summer project. Visiting from Grinell College. Then PhD student at Dartmouth College (USA).

Cecilia Maria Fabbri. Milano-Bicocca 2021-2022.
BSc thesis. Then MSc in Astrophysics at Milano-Bicocca. Resulting publication: arXiv:2202.08848.

Meredith Vogel. Birmingham 2021.
IREU fellow. Visiting from Missouri State University. Then PhD at University of Florida.

Daria Gangardt. Birmingham 2019.
Summer project. Then PhD student in my group. Resulting publication: arXiv:2103.03894.

Luca Reali. Birmingham 2019.
BSc thesis. Visiting from the University of Milan on HPC Europa3 grant. Then PhD at Johns Hopkins University. Resulting publication: arXiv:2005.01747.

Alicia Lima. Caltech 2018.
LIGO SURF fellow. Visting from Bowdoin College. Then MSc at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Resulting publication: arXiv:1811.05979.

Katie Chamberlain. Caltech 2017.
Visiting from Montana State University. Then PhD at the University of Arizona. Resulting publication: arXiv:1809.04799.

Riccardo Barbieri. Cambridge 2016.
BSc summer project. Then MSc at the University of Pavia.

Jakub Vosmera. Cambridge 2015
Summer project. Then PhD at Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, Prague. Resulting publication: arXiv:1612.05263.