Davide Gerosa

September 10, 2018

Giulio Rampa thesis prize

I was recently awarded the 2018 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in General Relativity. The prize is sponsored by the University of Pavia (Italy) and the Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational Physics (SIGRAV), and was officially awarded … Continue reading

July 13, 2017

Stefano Braccini thesis prize

I was awarded the 2016 Stefano Braccini PhD Thesis Prize by the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC).  The prize announcement reads: Dr. Gerosa received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and was nominated by his adviser, Prof. Ulrich Sperhake. Dr. Gerosa’s … Continue reading

July 30, 2016

Cambridge TV interview

I was interviewed by our local Cambridge TV. It was a funny experience: they asked me about black holes, gravitational waves, and black hole kicks.

March 25, 2016

NASA Einstein Fellowhip

I was awarded a NASA Einstein Fellowship to conduct three years of postdoctoral research at Caltech. My proposal is titled “Strong gravity to the realm of observational astronomy”. Here is a passage from NASA’s press release: “We are very pleased … Continue reading

July 20, 2015

Distinguishing black-hole spin-orbit resonances by their gravitational wave signatures. II: Full parameter estimation

This is a follow up of arXiv:1403.7147, just done better. Instead of overlaps, we do real injections in LIGO parameter-estimation codes to show that spin-orbit resonances are indeed detectable. Daniele Trifirò, Richard O’Shaughnessy, Davide Gerosa, Emanuele Berti, Michael Kesden, Tyson Littenberg, Ulrich … Continue reading

February 18, 2013

Resonant-plane locking and spin alignment in stellar-mass black-hole binaries: a diagnostic of compact-binary formation

Spin precession in stellar-mass black hole binaries encodes information on specific formation mechanisms like tides and mass transfers. My first paper on spin precession… Davide Gerosa, Michael Kesden, Emanuele Berti, Richard O’Shaughnessy, Ulrich Sperhake.Physical Review D 87 (2013) 10, 104028.arXiv:1302.4442 … Continue reading