Davide Gerosa

July 8, 2024

Go Daria go!

Daria Gangardt has just defended her PhD thesis at the University of Birmingham. The thesis is called “Black-hole dynamics and their environments” and jumps from black-hole spins all the way to AGN discs. Daria, it has been a true pleasure … Continue reading

October 28, 2023

2 Masters + 2 Undegrads

We’ve had four amazing research students graduating with us in October! After the Master’s defenses, students turned the graduation party into a football supporter thing, with chants and all the rest!

July 19, 2023

New July physicists

Two students just completed their Bachelor’s degree with research projects in our group. I had the honor of heading their graduation committee and could call them “physicists” for the very first time (and the Italian ceremonial sentence is quite imposing: … Continue reading

June 8, 2023

Dr. Matt!

Please let me introduce Dr Matthew Mould… After N papers (where N is a lot) and a 4h+15min viva discussion, Matt has completed his PhD in gravitational-wave astronomy at the University of Birmingham. WooooO! The examiners were Annelies Mortier from … Continue reading

February 23, 2022

Congrats Cecilia!

Huge congrats to my student Cecilia Fabbri who got her Bachelor’s degree today. Cecilia defended (quite brilliantly!) her project titled “Constraining the black-hole irreducible mass with current gravitational-wave data”. Her work ended up in our recent draft (arxiv:2202.08848). Cecilia is … Continue reading

July 14, 2021

Well done Max!

Huge congrats to Maciej (Max) Dabrowny, who just graduated from the University of Birmingham after a very successful research project with us (Max’s project ended up in a paper!). Well done and all the best for the future.

September 11, 2020

Congrats to MSc students

Congratulations to my Master’s students that graduate this year:  Abdullah Aziz and Julian Chan from the University of Birmingham, and Beatrice Basset from the University of Lyon. Well done all, and good luck with your future adventures.