Davide Gerosa

October 28, 2019

GrEAT PhD winter school

This week I am organizing the GrEAT PhD winter school. GrEAT (which stands for Gravitational-wave Excellence through Alliance Training) is a synergy network between the UK and China. Our program features informal talks in the mornings and hands-on sessions in … Continue reading

October 6, 2019

Winter visitors

Two close collaborators will be visiting my group this winter. Vijay Varma, postdoc at Caltech and expert of numerical relativity surrogate models, will be here on October 7-11. Get ready for his talk “Binary black hole simulations: from supercomputers to … Continue reading

September 20, 2019

Welcome Matt!

I am very excited to welcome Matthew Mould in my research group. Matt is starting his Ph.D. with me in Birmingham. We already have too many ideas…

June 21, 2019

Summer research fun

This summer I’ll be working with two undergraduate research students. Luca Reali is finishing his master at my alma mater (University of Milan, Italy) and is visiting Birmingham with a scholarship from the HPC Europa 3 cluster. Daria Gangardt just … Continue reading

March 19, 2019

Bham, here I come

We moved (back) to the UK. I’m now a lecturer at the University of Birmingham (which is equivalent to assistant professor in the US). Really excited to start this new adventure! My group is part of the Birmingham Institute for Gravitational … Continue reading